Universities in times of crisis
18jan9 h 00 min18 h 30 minUniversities in times of crisis
Workshop organisé dans le cadre du projet international « Asserting the Nation« , coordonné par Katja Brogger de l’Université

Workshop organisé dans le cadre du projet international « Asserting the Nation« , coordonné par Katja Brogger de l’Université d’Aarhus, dont Dorota Dakowska est partenaire scientifique.
Over the past decades, the higher education sector in the European Union and its neighbourhood has faced several crises and tensions. Managerial schemes have been implemented in response to austerity policies and financial struggles. Combined with the privatization of the sector that has been underway since the 1990s, these reforms could endanger the sector’s sustainability. In several countries, protectionist or neo-nationalist policies (of which Brexit is a culmination) have called the Europeanisation of higher education into question. The pandemic has also challenged the functioning of HE institutions. More recently, geopolitical tensions and the Russian war in Ukraine have shaken the European Higher Education and Research Area. This workshop brings together international scholars from Denmark and France who have been investigating these transformations of higher education in Europe.

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18 janvier 2023 9 h 00 min - 18 h 30 min(GMT+01:00)
Sciences Po Aix - EPS 001
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