Ouvrage de Natalia Ribas-Mateos : « A Message to You. A Cartography of Mobilities – Sexual Border Violence, Solidarities and Global Cities »

Natalia Ribas-Mateos, A Message to You. A Cartography of Mobilities – Sexual Border Violence, Solidarities and Global Cities, ibidem Press, mars 2025, 280p.
ISBN: 9783838219387
Résumé :
New analytical frameworks help us to shed light on global transformations regarding community responses and complex ways to think about gendered solidarities. Bringing together different ethnographic fieldworks, Ribas-Mateos provides lucid accounts of fundamental themes of the current times. This book involves a serious effort of visibilization of the hidden sexual violence in Mediterranean borders—particularly in Tangier and Oujda. Moreover, it brings such message of visibilization to diasporic cites—London and Paris—through the organization of video-debates and crowdfunding projects.
This “Moving Cartography” consolidates the disparate strands of thought of mobilities in specific global sites, in order to provide a fundamental book for anybody who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of today’s social solidarities regarding women´s resistance, African migration, and BLM activism.
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