Umifre 2020 A*Midex
Four-month assignment to carry out a field survey in Israel
AMIDEX Pépinière : ASELN - A sociological approach to digital literacy education
Axis 3 of the MESOPOLHIS Laboratory, "Education and cultures in the digital age", which brings together researchers in the sociology of education and culture (art, literature), has obtained funding to organise a research seminar on the Sociological Approach to Digital Literacy Education (ASELN).
In fact, the growing role played by the development of new ICTs in all social spheres means that not only do we need to integrate the contributions of digital technology into the social and cultural practices we are analysing, but we also need to look at the way in which educational institutions are using these new tools.
By integrating digital issues into our long-standing work on literacy and educational inequalities, we are renewing the sociological approaches we use. That's why we wanted to organise a research seminar on digital issues, bringing in not only local researchers, but also national researchers in the sociology of education and the sociology of culture, as well as researchers in education and information and communication sciences from an interdisciplinary perspective. This will enable us, on the one hand, to nurture and flesh out our scientific thinking and enrich our knowledge and skills on digital literacy, and on the other, to create a network of researchers in the sociology of digital literacy while consolidating the links that already exist with research networks in sociology and information and communication sciences on digital, education and cultural practices.
Programme :
- From January 2018 to December 2018, or during 2019: a monthly seminar organised at the MMSH
- June 2019: a international symposium - LINSEC - to invite leading national and international researchers on digital literacy. This conference is the culmination of a year's sociological reflection on the practices and uses of digital literacy, as well as the creation of a broad network of international researchers.
- The conference proceedings will be published by PUR in 2020.
Partners :
- Aix-Marseille Teacher Training College (ESPE)
- Rectorat d'Aix-Marseille
- Aix-en-Provence digital centre
- MUCEM Museum
- Municipal libraries in the Aix en Provence region
- Ilya LevinThe culture of digital society (Tel Aviv University)
- Frédérique BrosWhat digital technology is doing to literacy (University of Lille)
- Reading in the digital age: new practices, new readers?with Françoise Paquienséguy (Sciences Po Lyon) Mabel Verdi (EHESS), Aude Inaudi (Grenoble Alpes University - GRESEC), Fabienne Soldini (Aix-Marseille Univ, CNRS, LAMES)
- Milad Doueihi - Between calculation and computation. A digital philology?" (University of Paris IV)
- Marco PitzalisLa logique des choses. The micro-political dimension of innovation at school (University of Cagliari)
- Sihem NajarOnline social movements and new forms of citizen expression in post-revolutionary Tunisia (University of Tunis)
Members of the team : Magali Ballatore, Fabienne Soldini, Sylvia Girel, Ariane Richard-Bossez, Philippe Vitale.
Career transition for "highly qualified" women
In the n°90 (2019) of the magazine Research & Training coordinated by Noëlle Monin and Heri Rakoto-Raharimanana, the contributors highlight that the reasons for choosing retraining "respond to a strong demand for fulfilment at work" in the sense of "finding the job I was made for" (Négroni, 2019).
Beyond this compensatory reconversion dynamic (Rakoto-Raharimanana and Monin, 2019), the research conducted with Brazilian and French colleagues will seek to understand both the total or partial disinvestment from the professional sphere and the reconverted women's investment in educational and domestic values.
The early work of Christian Baudelot and Roger Establet (Come on, girls!(Seuil, 1992) had already brought to our attention the role of the different periods of girls' socialisation, particularly that of school, in the incorporation of the division of domestic labour. The authors considered that this was the driving force behind the complete or partial, momentary or definitive renunciation of the professional logics promised by their school and university careers.
The aim here is to understand and analyse the dynamics underlying these 'changes' in Brazil and France.
Equipe France - Brazil
Constant H Jacquet award contract - religious research association
Muslim philanthropy in Europe and the united states: a comparative approach
ANR MRSEI : METIS - Migration evolutionary temporality and investigate scenario
Continuation of the MARE project - Migration, Asylum and Refugees in the EuroMediterranean area (2017), as part of the H2020 calls on migration.
International migration has become a major concern for European policy makers, public opinion and researchers. Since 2011, political upheavals on the southern shores of the Mediterranean have brought about a crisis with new and lasting socio-economic effects in the Euro-Mediterranean and African region. Above all, the crisis has revealed how international migration is at the heart of major societal change, both today and into the future. The "Migration Evolutionary Temporality and Investigative Scenario" (METIS) project will produce reliable conceptual, empirical and quantitative knowledge to understand, identify and take account of uncertainties in migration. METIS will build a new framework and create new tools to analyse changing migration routes from the Euro-Mediterranean-African area and Asia. This work will contribute to better migration governance in the short and long term. METIS will bring together a multidisciplinary team of 11 institutions in Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Italy, Niger, the United Kingdom and Turkey. Demographers, sociologists, economists, geographers, historians and anthropologists will shed light on key motivations and drivers for migration to explain changes in departures, returns, re-emigration and stagnation in transit. METIS will deliver well-grounded investigative projections and scenarios on Europe's migratory challenges in 2060, as well as projections on climate change in Africa and its relationship to migration. The project will produce databases and analyse big data on migration flows and targeted themes : gender and migration, migration of children, forced migration, return migration. Finally, METIS will develop an innovative digital platform making previously disparate sources of data on migration interoperable, and including new data produced in close collaboration with national statistics institutes in Europe and the Mediterranean area.
LabexMed-Region: TEPRENCA - Territories for the production of non-carbon energies
The territories of non-carbon energy production. Socio-history of nuclear and renewable energy sites in France and Italy
This international (Franco-Italian) and interdisciplinary (sociology, history and political science) research project, funded by LabexMed and the PACA Region, aims to promote surveys that will provide information on the territories surrounding non-carbon energy production sites, both nuclear and certain renewable energies (solar and wind). The aim of this project, which is based on a socio-historical and comparative perspective between France and Italy, is to shed light on certain social dynamics surrounding energy issues in southern Europe. In so doing, it raises broader questions about the relationships between industrial plants and the surrounding areas, with issues at stake in terms of territorial government, the promotion of economic activities (particularly those with an environmental impact), the dynamics of social stratification in the local area, and the mobilisation of associations and citizens in support of or in opposition to these developments.
MESOPOLHIS-CNRS and Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (DISU) Università di Trieste
MESOPOLHIS researchers involved:
- Cesare Mattina (project manager)
- Vincent Baggioni
- Stéphanie Dechezelles
- Pierre Fournier
Researcher associated with the DISU in Trieste :
- Elisabetta Bini (project manager)
- Barbara Curli
- Mauro Elli
- Elisabetta Vezzosi
AMU's scientific culture unit: Doctoral students - science education vs. scientific culture
Study launched in 2019 with the Scientific Culture Unit and the College of Doctoral Schools of Aix Marseille University. We have set up a study with an online questionnaire aimed at 4,000 doctoral students. The aims are: 1/ to measure their practices and knowledge in terms of scientific culture, 2/ to assess the impact of participation in scientific culture events on their choice of university course, 3/ to identify what helps and what hinders students in their relationship with science. This vast survey, set up in 2018 and launched in January 2019, is intended to be repeated each year with new doctoral students, so that the results can be compared over time.
Doctoral students at Aix-Marseille university: science education versus scientific culture
Partenariat Hubert Curien Pessoa: Urban transformation and social diversity. Lisbon and Marseilles
MESOPOLHIS team : Sylvie Mazzella, Sylvia Girel, Hélène JeanmouginBen Kerste
CIS Nova team Luís Baptista, Nunes João Pedro, Pereira Patrícia, Vieira Inês, Corte Real Madalena
Urban transformation, gentrification and social diversity in the Mediterranean: the case of the city centres of Lisbon and Marseille
PHC PESSOA 2017 - PROJECT N° 37961QL, between the LAMES (AMU, CNRS) (coordinator Sylvie Mazzella) and the CICS.NOVA laboratory (Centre Interdiciplinaire de Sciences Sociales de L'Universidade Nova de Lisboa) (coordinator Luis Baptista)
- Project title : Urban transformation, gentrification and social diversity in the Mediterranean: the case of the city centres of Lisbon and Marseille
- The project includes :
=> working meetings at Lames and CICS. NOVA to organise the publication of a book on translations of the work of a classic researcher in urban sociology in France, Jean-Claude Chamboredon, so as to contribute to the theoretical heritage and legacy of Urban Sociology and Urban Studies. This will give Portuguese students and researchers a better understanding of this sociological work on territorial and spatial issues, which is a benchmark in the field of urban sociology in France.
=> Organisation of a field trip to Marseille (25- 29 June 2017) for researchers, PhD students and post docs from CICS.NOVA in conjunction with urban sociologists from Lames. A field trip will also be organised to Lisbon (21-28 October 2017) for LAMES researchers, PhD students and post docs in conjunction with CIS.NOVA urban sociologists.
=> Organisation of two workshops (28 and 29 June in Marseille and 19 and 20 October in Lisbon) to pursue a comparative and critical perspective on research into urban transformation and everyday life in the historic centres of Lisbon and Marseille, based on empirical research currently being carried out by several members of the two teams. A seminar inviting researchers from both Portugal and France is associated with the research dynamic.
- Title: Urban Transformations, gentrification and social mix: the cases of Lisbon and Marseille // Transformações urbanas, gentrificação e mistura social: os casos dos centros históricos de Lisboa e Marselha
- Abstract: Building on the notion of spatial proximity and social distance by French sociologists Chamboredon and Lemaire (1970), we aim at bringing together the two research teams in the completion of the following objectives : 1) translating into Portuguese the main articles about territorial and spatial issues by J.C. Chamboredon and 2) promoting a comparative and critical research perspective about gentrification in the historical city centres of Lisbon and Marseille. Our shared critical perspective of gentrification and social mix results in a special focus on urban dwellers as active agents of change and on the dynamics of urban coexistence.
The teams will meet four times, organising a series of work sessions and fieldwork visits and one final public seminar to present the results of the comparative work. This cooperation aims at enlarging and sharing both scientific knowledge and scientific networks for both teams, while contributing to the training of students and young researchers.
- Resumo : Partindo da noção de proximidade espacial e distância social de Chamboredon e Lemaire (1970), este projecto visa aliar as duas equipas de investigação na realização dos seguintes objectivos : 1) tradução para português dos principais artigos sobre questões territoriais e espaciais por J.C. Chamboredon a publicar num livro e 2) promoção de uma agenda de pesquisa comparativa e crítica sobre gentrificação nos centros históricos das cidades de Lisboa e Marselha. A nosa perspectiva crítica partilhada acerca da gentrificação e da mistura social resulta num foco especial sobre os urbanitas como agentes ativos de transformação urbana e sobre as dinâmicas da coexistência urbana.
As equipas reunir-se-ão 4 vezes, organisando sessões de trabalho, visitas de campo e um seminário público para apresentar os resultados do trabalho comparativo. Esta cooperação vise ampliar e partilhar o conhecimento científico e as redes científicas de ambas as equipas, além de contribuir para a formação de estudantes e jovens investigadores.
Amidex Interdisciplinary Programme, 2014-2016
In hydrogen nuclear fusion reactors, using a technology quite distinct from uranium nuclear fission, the plasma used can generate micrometric or even nanometric dust by abrasion of the walls of the structure in which it circulates at very high temperature. In future machines such as ITER, this dust could be radioactive, given the use of tritium in the reaction. The question arises as to the possible toxicity of this dust for humans and the environment, during normal maintenance operations or in the event of accidents in which it escapes from the containment.
The programme is of interest to the scientific and technical communities in order to support the design of facilities such as ITER and those that will use the same process, and to anticipate any difficulties that may arise when the first experiments are carried out. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the conditions under which the tritium likely to be trapped in these dusts is released: dissolution in a biological medium, localization in human cells? with consequences in terms of cellular toxicity and genotoxicity? with the possibility of 'passivating' these particles in order to attenuate their effects?
It is also of interest to the social sciences in terms of understanding how potential occupational health and public health problems are anticipated and how prevention is organised.
And already how is research organised on a question that does not arise in the present, for which we only have hypotheses on the form of the said "dusts", which is reformulated as the investigation progresses, planning to produce similar particles, to characterise these particles, to sort them into a format that can be handled, study the absorption of unsorted particles in a biological medium and their cellular localisation, idem with sorted particles, study their toxicity and genotoxicity on human lung cells in vitro, again with unsorted and sorted particles, propose passivation techniques...
The involvement of the social sciences in such an interdisciplinary programme mobilises the sociology of work and risks at work, as well as the sociology of science and public research policies.
The project will run for 24 months from October 2014 and will involve research teams from Aix-Marseille University, Paris-Villetaneuse University, CEA and IRSN, working in materials, geochemistry, plasma physics, lasers, biology, toxicology, genotoxicology, health and sociology, with the recruitment of several post-docs.