The politics of violence

Organising the fight from Colombia to Pakistan
by Amin Allal, Gilles Dorronsoro and Olivier Grojean (eds.)


Although political violence is sometimes the work of isolated individuals, it is more often than not organised, i.e. inspired, sometimes planned, taken in hand or even produced by organisations with political objectives. State-sponsored violence is by far the most deadly, but violence by non-state groups remains an essential component of contemporary political dynamics throughout the world. This book focuses in particular on this second type of violence, which political theory regards as illegitimate in principle, but which, from the point of view of the actors who perpetrate it, can be justified, particularly when it is a question of protecting the status of a dominant group or, conversely, of imposing the demands of a marginalised group.

The studies presented in this book are the work of researchers with long experience of the field, whether in Afghanistan, Algeria, Burundi, Colombia, Libya, Pakistan, Turkey or, more broadly, the Middle East. They all testify that there is no shortage of individuals ready to take violent action. However, individual competence in the use of violence can only become a resource for the organisation from which it emanates if it is used in a disciplined, relatively measured way, and in keeping with the meaning that the organisation gives it. The central problem for organisations that use violence is not so much producing it as modulating it, channelling it and giving it meaning, hence the interest in looking at the processes involved in rationalising its use. Moreover, violent modes of action produce lasting and specific effects on societies, which often complicate the return to a peaceful expression of political conflicts.



This book was edited by Amin Allal (CERAPS-CNRS), Gilles Dorronsoro (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) and Olivier Grojean (University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).

Other contributors: Valeria Alfieri, Amélie Blom, Laurent Gayer, Jacobo Grajeles, Arthur Quesnay and Nedjib Sidi Moussa.

Publication date



Introduction. Organised political violence - Amin Allal, Gilles Dorronsoro and Olivier Grojean

Chapter 1. From political combat to armed struggle? Militant combatants in Burundi - Valeria Alfieri

Chapter 2. The acquisition of military skills by Algerian independence fighters. The case of Messali Hadj's supporters - Nedjib Sidi Moussa

Chapter 3. The practice and framing of armed violence. The case of the first Libyan civil war - Arthur Quesnay

Chapter 4. Violence and repertoires. Rethinking the PKK's modes of action with Charles Tilly - Olivier Grojean

Chapter 5. Strategic reason, ethnic hierarchy and biopolitical logic. Notes on the polysemy of massacres in the Afghan war - Gilles Dorronsoro

Chapter 6. Medellín: from gangs to counter-insurgency - Jacobo Grajales

Chapter 7. From student dissension to campus war. The escalation of political violence at Karachi University (1979-1991) - Laurent Gayer

Chapter 8. Conflict of emotions. The 2006 anti-Danish cartoon riots in Lahore (Pakistan) - Amélie Blom

List of contributors


Reviews and speeches

Mediapart2022, Interview with Gilles Dorronsoro and Adel Bakawan, "Iraq and Afghanistan: a closer look at destructive interventionism".


Olivier Grojean, 2022, " Opinion column - Middle East: "It seems necessary to impose the Kurdistan Workers' Party at the negotiating table". ", Le Monde11 December


France Culture2023, "The Kurds, an angry people" series. "Episode 2/3: Europe: a worried diaspora" with Olivier GrojeanJanuary 17.


Common cause 93.1fm2023, programme #141: "The Kurdish question with Olivier Grojean", 11 January.