The Inspé is involved from the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree by offering teaching units (UE) for pre-professionalisation in these professions and offers 4 MEEF master's courses which train school teachers, teachers of the 2nd level, principal education advisers (CPE) and various other professions in teaching, education and training.
The Inspé offers the possibility of pursuing a thesis within the ED 356 Cognition Langage Education doctoral school.
The Inspé is associated with a number of partners who work together on the same research and training project.
The Inspé's internationally recognised expertise is based on the skills of the teacher-researchers, teachers and professionals in the field who are involved in training and the work of the laboratories of the SFERE-Provence research federation, which develop research in education.
Together with the Faculties of Science, Arts, Literature, Languages and Humanities (ALLSH) and Sports Science, as well as Avignon University, the Inspé trains 2nd level teachers. It covers the disciplines of collège, lycée d'enseignement général et technologique and lycée professionnel.
Thanks to its close partnership with the education authority, the Inspé is also involved in the in-service training of teachers in the French education system.
The Inspé has offices in Aix-en-Provence, Avignon, Digne-les-Bains and Marseille.
The course is organised around work placements and the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. It enables students to obtain the MEEF Master's degree while preparing for the national education recruitment competitions: CRPE, CAPES, CAPET, CAPLP.
With its 160 teachers and 152 administrative and technical staff, the Inspé welcomes students to train them using the latest methods and advances in educational research, to which it contributes as part of a project linking research, training and the field.