Research library


The main role of the Research Library, located in the Espace Philippe SEGUIN, is to provide essential works for researchers and students, specific to their field of study. We are constantly updating our holdings with the latest new titles.

More than 4,000 research works are currently referenced in disciplines as varied as sociology, anthropology, political science and economics.

The Research Library offers a quiet workspace with a WI-FI connection and a high-quality digital environment (computers, printers, scanner, photocopier).

Research library - Espace Philippe Seguin
Research library - Espace Philippe Seguin
Research library - Espace Philippe Seguin
Research library - Espace Philippe Seguin

Research library services :

  • Consultation of works open access, library open to all members of the unit
  • Loans (interlibrary loans) and advice
  • Purchasing policy of the unit, suggestions for purchases by researchers, ordering books on request
  • Support for documentary research (catalogues, web, online scientific journals).


Opening times :

Monday: 9am - 5.50pm
Tuesday: 9am - 5.50pm
Wednesday: 8.30am - 5.50pm
Thursday: 9am - 5.50pm
Friday: 9am - 5.30pm

Access Espace Philippe Seguin