Our commitments


Sustainable development

Mesopolhis is committed to environmental responsibility.

Vanina BEAUCHAMPS-ASSALI is the new Sustainable Development correspondent for the MMSH. A large number of concrete measures (energy eco-gestures, dematerialisation, good digital practices) have already been taken. 

At the same time, the Sustainable Development Unit has been working on two key areas since the unit was set up: 

  • The definition of a cross-functional policy that will be taken into account at all stages of the unit's decision-making process
  • The definition of contractual objectives and priorities as part of the establishment of our scientific and institutional partnerships

This process of reflection has led to the development of a eco-responsible laboratory charterapproved by the Laboratory Council on Friday 07 October 2022.

Download the charter


Health and safety

Under the impetus of Ms Stéphanie MEIRANESIO, the laboratory's Health and Safety Officer, Mesopolhis has adopted the main health and safety documents in a bi-site approach.

  • Creating a single document
  • Creation of a health and safety at work register in which staff can record their observations and suggestions relating to risk prevention and the improvement of working conditions, available from the PA at each of the two sites.
  • Provision of a pharmacy on each of the two sites
  • Introduction of a welcome booklet for new employees and training on the NEO courseware.

Open science

The aim of open science is to make science more accessible to society as a whole, more contributive and more transparent, in order to increase the impact of research and improve the way it operates.

The humanities and social sciences are taking part in this movement, which has been driving the sciences for more than two decades. Under the impetus of Vanina BEAUCHAMPS-ASSALI, who is in charge of promoting scientific productions, Mesopolhis is committed to open science. In concrete terms, open access to scientific publications is the norm in our laboratory and we are committed to ensuring that all new publications by our researchers are available in full text or in open access on HAL, as soon as possible.

To make science more contributory, the laboratory is forging numerous research partnerships and developing partnership projects. Finally, we have begun work on opening up our research data in line with the FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable) principles. We encourage researchers to share and capitalise on good practice in managing their data.

As part of this approach to transferring and sharing knowledge and developing open science, we support researchers in their research programmes at every stage of the data lifecycle.


Gender parity

Mesopolhis places respect for the values of professional equality between men and women at the heart of its commitments.

In a resolution passed on 26 November 2021, the laboratory undertook to implement a policy to ensure parity between women and men in its research support and management teams. The MESOPOLHIS gender equality officer is Emilie DAVID.

As well as taking these objectives into account in our recruitment process, a working group of researchers and administrative staff has just been set up to look beyond the simple quantitative approach...

Our objectives are pursued in conjunction with Aix-Marseille University and Sciences Po Aix.

Contact Sciences Po Aix: mission.egalité@sciencespo-aix.fr

Contact Aix-Marseille University: respect-egalite@univ-amu.fr


Setting up the Respect and Equality Service at Aix-Marseille University

This department is responsible for prevent and combat all forms of gender-based or sexual violence, harassment and discrimination. This is an essential mechanism, but also one that is unique in France, as a professional team has been recruited to work full-time to support and resolve each case, in complete confidentiality.
More than ever, this approach is in line with our desire to make Aix-Marseille University a peaceful and safe place for our student community and colleagues, reflecting the humanist and inclusive values that we uphold and which are essential to our mission.