Study days & conferences (2022-2023)

Wednesday 18 January 2023 - Universities in times of crisis

Workshop organised as part of the international "Asserting the Nation" project, coordinated by Katja Brogger of the University of Aarhus, with Dorota Dakowska as scientific partner.

Over the past decades, the higher education sector in the European Union and its neighbourhood has faced several crises and tensions. Managerial schemes have been implemented in response to austerity policies and financial struggles. Combined with the privatization of the sector that has been underway since the 1990s, these reforms could endanger the sector's sustainability. In several countries, protectionist or neo-nationalist policies (of which Brexit is a culmination) have called the Europeanisation of higher education into question. The pandemic has also challenged the functioning of HE institutions. More recently, geopolitical tensions and the Russian war in Ukraine have shaken the European Higher Education and Research Area. This workshop brings together international scholars from Denmark and France who have been investigating these transformations of higher education in Europe.

Universities in times of crisis programme

Thursday 24 November 2022 - Conference "International responses to situations of violence & mass death in Ukraine - Multiple aspects of forensic action".

International responses to situations of mass violence and death in Ukraine (2)
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine since the latter's invasion on 24 February 2022 has been marked by numerous military and civilian casualties. The images of the victims of the Boutcha massacre and the discovery of the mass grave at Izioum have moved international public opinion. On the ground, the increasing number of corpses means that forensic care needs to be taken, and this requires the mobilisation of both local and international players. The aim of the conference is therefore to shed light on the issues and methods of forensic action in the context of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict.

Wednesday 29 June 2022 - Lecture "The disintegration of the post-Cold War order in Europe. From financial crisis to war in Europe".

Since the end of the 2000s, international events have constantly highlighted the limits of the European order as forged between the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. The resurgence of Russian imperialism, the rise of American isolationism, Brexit, the dismantling of disarmament agreements and the war in Ukraine all call into question the paradigm that seemed to triumph at the end of the Cold War, based on convergence between the countries of the two former blocs and the principles of cooperative security. The crises that have marked the last fifteen years have given rise to debates, often truncated, on the end of the Cold War and on the measures taken - or not taken - at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s to avoid the emergence of a new form of East-West conflict. The aim of this one-day conference is to revisit and shed light on these debates, focusing on the main strategic and political shifts that Europe has undergone in recent years.

Thursday 9 June 2022
Study day / round-table "Socialisation and the construction of career paths".

The day was organised around 3 round-table discussions.
Round-table 1: Family and building life paths
Moderator and discussion: Christine BOUISSOU, Senior Lecturer Hdr Education and Training Sciences, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Culture Education Formation Travail - Circeft- EA 4384, Université Paris 8 Saint-Denis
Round-table 2: Educational pathways and excellence
Moderator and discussion: Philippe Aldrin, PU at Sciences Po Aix, Centre méditerranée de sociologie, science politique et histoire, MESOPOLHIS, UMR 7064.
Round-table 3: Cultural routes: circulation, heritage and memory
Moderator and discussion: Sylvia Girel, University Professor of Sociology, MESOPOLHIS, UMR 7064.