Our audiovisual productions
Our audiovisual productions
Film: In the footsteps of the atomists. A step aside for a sociologist in the field
P&P Production, 2016, 85 mins, film directed by Pascal Cesaro and Pierre Fournier
Around the Nuxolo contract with the CNRS interdisciplinary mission.
An ORTF soap opera, broadcast at the end of the 1960s and found in the INA archives, depicts the lives of nuclear workers in Provence, with particularly precise images of their work. Research into the conditions under which these images were produced shows that, without being a documentary on the nuclear world, this fiction meets a particular set of specifications and benefits from inputs conducive to a certain truth in the technical images and human relations of this world. Excerpts from the soap opera shown by a sociologist to people now living near the research centre where the drama is set prompt stories that help them understand what it means to come to work in this industry and live nearby. It's a way of taking advantage of reminiscences triggered by the emotional proximity of these people's experience to one or other aspect of the fictional reality presented in the soap opera. Perhaps it's also a way of moving beyond the abstract representations of the public debate on this controversial subject, or the silence behind which people living near nuclear power stations sometimes hide.

Interactive documentary: From fiction to science. A video-elicitation experiment to get out of a situation where speech is prevented
P&P Production, 2019, 45 to 85 mins, interactive documentary directed by Pascal Cesaro and Pierre Fournier.
Around the contract Fifas with the AMIDEX foundation
A sociologist and a film researcher take a 1960s TV soap opera and explore what it means to come and work in the nuclear industry by showing people living near the centre where the drama is set extracts depicting work in the sector and putting their reactions into perspective. The interactive documentary follows the researchers through the various stages of this experiment, with its failures and successes, showing the development of a research approach that aims to circumvent a situation of "speech impeded", speech made difficult by the public debate that sharply divides positions on a controversial subject. It offers viewers the chance to go into more detail and imagine other configurations in which to put this video-elicitation approach to the test.
Film: Inconnu(e)s dans la 6e - Brignoles, electoral chronicles
Pixel Plume Production, 2018, 1h26, directed by Philippe Aldrin and Marie-Ange Grégory
Alcov contract with the French National Research Agency
With a film crew, two political scientists spent a year immersed in the political life of Brignoles, a small town in the Var department of France that its inhabitants consider to be in decline, with its outlying shopping areas, new suburban neighbourhoods and deserted historic centre. Ignored, yet famous for the success of Front National candidates in local elections in recent years, Brignoles also suffers from a sense of stigmatisation by the national media.
The film follows the 2017 electoral sequence from day to day, working closely with those involved in local politics. Begun at the end of 2016 and completed in August 2017, the filming gives an account of the passage through an electoral cycle under high political tension, with the constituency of Brignoles - the 6e du Var - being promised to the FN by all the pollsters and commentators.
The filmmakers' approach is to take seriously the specific logic of the area, with its urban, demographic and economic changes. Attentive to the specific context of the town and its players, the film seeks to bring to light local strategies in the face of the reshaping of the national political offer ("Fillon affair", "Macron phenomenon", local retraction of the parties, local forms of the "En Marche" movement, electoral demobilisation in small medium-sized towns, decline of the PS, etc.) or ways of campaigning.
In doing so, the film shows an electoral moment in a medium-sized town, the uncertainty of the campaign teams, the strong retraction of the parties in these territories, the localised forms of the "En Marche" movement, electoral demobilisation... It is also an account of an experiment in the filmed ethnography of politics.