Axis 6 "Norms and deviance,
government knowledge


Hosted by Audrey Freyermuth and Océane Perona

This division brings together the unit's researchers who share an interest in the sociological analysis of norms, studying how they are enacted, negotiated, contested or avoided. They develop a sociology of actors - be they professionals (producers of governmental knowledge, administrative managers and staff, politicians, trade unions, consultants, legal experts) or the public (users, complainants, 'ordinary citizens') - and their interactions, which they understand through the mechanisms, knowledge and know-how of population government at different scales.

Current and future research focuses on the social construction of norms and deviance, with particular emphasis on the historical and processual dimensions of the situational logics of their social manufacture. The research is rooted in a critical perspective that seeks, firstly, to bring to light the mechanisms by which public problems and social and legal norms are constructed; secondly, to describe and analyse the processual dimension of the phenomena studied (trajectories, careers, professionalisation, etc.); and, thirdly, to understand how they are embedded.

The focus is on two areas (although not exclusively): criminal studies and urban government.

Axis members

  • Full members : Philippe ALDRIN, Claire BENIT-GBAFFOU, Nathalie CHAPON, Stéphanie DECHEZELLES, François DUMASY, Audrey FREYERMUTH, Samuel GOETA, Cesare MATTINA, Laurent MUCCHIELLI, Magali NONJON, Océane PERONA, Aude SIGNOLES, Christophe TRAINI
  • Doctoral students : Eliabel AGARD, Jessy BAILLY, Léa BATTAIS, Alice BAUDY, Riadh Amine BEN MAMI, Ebru BULUT, Rémi CARCELES, Romain DAMIEN, Tommaso GIURIATI, Anna GOUBERT, Vanille LABORDE, Simon MANGON, Joséphine PARENTHOU, Audrey PLUTA, Gautier TINARRAGE
  • Associated researchers : Daphné BIBARD, Abderrahim BOURKIA, Aurélien DYJAK, Nathalie FERRE, Yolaine GASSIER, Tommaso GIURIATI, Anne KLETZLEN, Elise HO PUN CHEUNG, Fatima KHEMILAT, Yves MIRMAN, Frédéric MONIER, Khadidja SAHRAOUI CHAPUIS, Guillaume SILHOL, Sacha RAOULT, Charles REVEILLERE, Pierre-Olivier WEISS
Meeting room MMSH
Meeting room MMSH

The three main thematic areas are

  • The new sources of political legitimacy and the professionalisation of government work
  • Production, evolution and use of norms (transgressions and social reactions)
  • Appropriation, circumvention and internalisation of government standards and knowledge by the public.

Keywords: Norms, deviance, expertise, government, knowledge, police, justice, judicialisation, crime, urban government, public problem, public action, political work, professionalisation, career, administration, discrimination, inequalities, risk

Axis news


Stéphanie Dechézelles - "Occupations


Eric Agrikoliansky Philippe Aldrin Sandrine Lévêque - "In the polls' blind spot or what voting (still) means".


Review by Eric Agrikoliansky, Philippe Aldrin, Sandrine Lévêque - "Voting in times of crisis. Portraits of ordinary voters".