Area 5 "Violence, crises and
contemporary conflicts


Hosted by Walter Bruyère-Ostells and Benoît Pouget

This area is concerned with international relations, violence and conflict studies, and the military. By virtue of its interdisciplinary positioning, it is part of the War and Security Studies movement and uses transnational approaches. It is part of new scientific developments: anthropological approaches to violence and war, a new history of international relations and transnational mechanisms and actors, memory issues and collective representations.

Axis members

  • Full members : Nicolas BADALASSI, Walter BRUYERE-OSTELLS, Sophie DAVIAUD, François DUMASY, Pierre FOURNIER, Claire MIOT, Benoit POUGET, Aude SIGNOLES
  • Doctoral students : Alexia ALAZZAWI-MARTIN, Théo BOREL, Jean-François BRIOT, Alessandro CECCHINI, Maxime CHARCOSSET, Pauline CHERBONNIER, Enguerrand DUCOURTIL, Pierre-Olivier EGLEMME, Hélène FRANC, Thoman GONEN, Philippe GUYOT, Carlotta MARCHI, Arnaud MASSAT, Victor NATALIZIO, Minas OUCHAKLIAN, Sami OUCHANE, Thomas RAMONDA, Coralie TAULEIGNE
  • Post-doctoral & ATER students : Julien DUTOUR, Mélanie FABRE, Sophie GUEUDET, Frédéric SPILLEMAECKER, Samuel TRACOL, Eve BENHAMOU, Jean François FIGEAC
  • Associated researchers : Erica CHARTERS, Guy CHET, Sophie DAVIAUD, Yannick EFFOSSOU, Taline GARIBIAN, Sophie GUEUDET, Jean-François KLEIN, Bertrand TAITHE, Thomas VAISSET, Paul VILLATOUX

The aim of this area is to re-examine the notion of crisis in contemporary history and the present day, based on contexts of violence and extraordinary situations leading to political, social or economic restructuring on different temporal and geographical scales (Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa). These ruptures are discussed in a dynamic reading of the events and on several temporal scales, giving a good grasp of the microevolutions upstream and downstream.

In addition to the approaches traditionally developed in international relations, the aim here is to develop an approach based on individual or collective actors, understanding conflicts in terms of the people behind them. At the crossroads of national, international and transnational interpretations of tensions, the aim is to define the forms of rupture that make it possible to characterise crises and establish the forms of recomposition of public action; to grasp the thresholds and degrees of suffering and/or violence that may legitimise the intervention of armed forces.

Doctoral students' room
Doctoral students' room

Three thematic areas are given priority:

  • Multiscalar and multisectoral crisis dynamics
  • Crisis mechanisms and the reshaping of international regimes
  • Nuclear power: a crisis factor at the heart of today's international regime

Keywords: International relations, violence, crises, new conflicts, memory, states, armies, non-state groups, diplomats, security.

Axis news


Nicolas Badalassi - Appearance on Europe 1's "Au Coeur de l'Histoire" programme: "The Yalta Conference


Book co-edited by Walter Bruyère-Ostells: "Anthologie des penseurs militaires français" (Anthology of French military thinkers)


Book by Nicolas Badalassi: "La France, la guerre froide et la Méditerranée" (France, the Cold War and the Mediterranean)