Transverse axis
"Images and social sciences


Images and social sciences :
new expectations from society, new ways of working

This cross-disciplinary area is at the crossroads of the transformations that have taken place in the world of research as a result of the development of what is known as the digital humanities and changes in the social expectations that researchers have set themselves the task of satisfying. The humanities are being renewed by digital technology, which is affecting the way researchers work. Conversely, society's expectations of researchers are stimulated by digital technology, in favour of a public, participatory science, both in terms of the questions it asks and in terms of the widest possible appropriation of the knowledge that researchers help to bring to light. It's no coincidence that these issues are now on the agenda of researchers in a unit that focuses on the empirical, on investigative practices and the use of archives, on public action as seen from the perspective of men and women, and on the ways in which objects of social and political concern, and even of injunction, are constituted and others kept at arm's length. But it all deserves to be documented so that we can make the most of it, and to be discussed collectively.

Axis coordination

Philippe ALDRIN and Pierre FOURNIER


Axis news

The road travelled

Right from the start of MESOPOLHIS, a number of meetings have been held to identify and compare experiences in the analysis of images by the social sciences and social science practices with images. For example, the Images and social sciences. Research with-with-on the image (coord. Philippe Aldrin and Pierre Fournier), which was held at the MMSH on 14 May 2019, was a first opportunity to share the lessons learned from these experiences within and in the scientific neighbourhood of the future unit. This meeting was an opportunity to present the research experiences of several members of the future unit (Marc Bernardot, Nathalie Chapon, Stéphanie Dechezelles, Jean Lagane, Frédéric Monier, Magali Nonjon, etc.).

As an extension, the For a visual sociology of politics" meeting (co-ordinated by Philippe Aldrin and Julien O'Miel, MCF at Lille 2 University, CERAPS) was organised on 19 November 2020 and led to the creation of an inter-laboratory group focusing on the methodological and theoretical issues surrounding the interaction between images and the social sciences in relation to politics.

Le Salon for alternative writing in the social sciencesorganised in Marseille at the MUCEM on 10 January 2020 by the GDR Images et sciences sociales, featured a round table discussion (co-ordinated by Pierre Fournier with S. Bianchini, P. Cesaro and F. Cozzolino) to examine the following issues experiments in collaboration between social science researchers and players in the creative economy. It was an opportunity for researchers in the unit to discover that their desires were shared by other researchers and that the relationship with artistic practices around the image could be understood in very diverse forms of collaboration.