Axis 1 "Socialisation,
education and culture


Hosted by Heri Rakoto-Raharimanana and Nathalie Chapon

This area is concerned with the socialisation actions that structure an individual's life cycle. The research carried out by the members of this area focuses on different ages (infancy, childhood, 'youth', entry into adult life, etc.) as well as on the bodies or institutions that provide the framework for these actions (the family, schools, vocational training, higher education and public policies, particularly cultural policies). 

The work is based on a relational conception of socialisation, not reducible to a unilateral learning process, but rather defined as a relationship of exchanges between generations, whether these relationships be of solidarity or mutual aid, of transmission (of knowledge, material or symbolic goods, etc.) or of competition or conflict. 

The originality of this area lies in its cross-disciplinary approach, which aims to link the sectoral fields of the sociology of the family, education, art and culture through the analysis of social practices.

Axis members

  • Full members : Magali BALLATORE, Thierry BLÖSS, Isabelle BLÖSS-WIDMER, Aline CHAMAHIAN, Nathalie CHAPON, Dorota DAKOWSKA, Constance DE GOURCY, Mohamed DENDANI, Sylvia GIREL, Magali NONJON, Sébastien OLIVEAU, Herilalaina RAKOTO-RAHARIMANANA, Ariane RICHARD-BOSSEZ
  • Doctoral students Fannie BROYELLE, Eleni DEMETRIOU, Matthieu DEMORY, Nicolas DODUIK, Mélanie JOSEPH, Elise LEVEQUE, Dieynaba NDOUR, Anton OLIVE-ALVAREZ, Sami OUCHANE, Joséphine PARENTHOU
  • Post-doctoral students : Judith AUDIN
  • Associates Abdoul-Malik AHMAD, Elena AMBROSETTI, Valentin BOILAIT, Maria-Elena BUSLACCI, Renaud CORNAND, Yannick DUVAUCHELLE, Camille FLODERER, Sofia LAIZ-MOREIRA, Nicolas PALLUAU, Nadège PANDRAUD, Nicole RAMOGNINO, Patrizia VOLPE PACINI
Research library - Espace Philippe Seguin
Research library - Espace Philippe Seguin

The work covers three main thematic areas:

  • Changes in family ties, life stages and relations between generations
  • Education, pedagogy and school policies in France and Europe
  • Art, literature, culture: practices, audiences, institutions, symbolic forms.

Key words: Socialisation, education, culture, inequalities, democratisation, family, childhood, youth, teaching, curricula, vocational training, art, literature, reading, audiences, mediation, creation, social representations.

Axis news

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Ariane Richard-Bossez, "L'entrée dans les apprentissages scolaires et ses inégalités, Lecture sociologique de la construction des savoirs à l'école maternelle", Ed. PUR, 2023


Nathalie CHAPON, "Assistant familial : évolution des profils et enjeux professionnels" in Familles à l'épreuve de la menace, Dialogue Familles & Couples 2022/3 (n° 237)

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Nathalie Chapon . Publication of an article in the October 2022 issue of DIALOGUE 237