Research training workshops

Provisional schedule of research training workshops
Coordination Sylvie Chiousse
Coordination Audrey Freyermuth (MCF political science), Constance De Gourcy (MCF sociology) and Nicolas Badalassi (PU history)
Friday 29 November
Coordination Magali Nonjon (MCF political science)
Coordination Dilek Yankaya (MCF political science)
Coordination in progress
Coordination Vanina Beauchamps-Assali (Mesopolhis research and methodology unit) - Moderated by Isabelle Gras (SCD AMU)
22 May 2025, 2pm-5pm (Confirmed)
Coordination Anne Tricot (CNRS engineer in methods and qualitative surveys in social sciences and humanities)
Wednesday 11 June 2025 (9am-12pm) (confirmed)
with Sylvie Chiousse + Mesodoc AGM
Organised by: Alice Baudy, Anna Goubert, Elise Levêque, Eleni Demetriou, Thomas Ramonda
Zoom link - Meeting ID: 966 9482 7517 - Secret code: 000
SESSION 1: 11.00-12.00 Alice Baudy "Administering the past: how the National Office for Veterans and Victims of War (ONAC-VG) deals with the issue of the descendants of the Harkis".
Discussion: Audrey Freyermuth, Stéphanie Dechézelles
Lunch break: 12.00-13.00
SESSION 2: 13:00-13:45 Lucas Faure Presentation of a chapter of his thesis
Discussion: Vincent Geisser
SESSION 3: 14:00-14:45 Thomas Ramonda : Presentation of the introduction to his thesis
Discussion: Benoît Pouget
Friday 24 September - MMSH, Salle PAF
9.30am-10am: Welcome and breakfast
10-10.15am: Welcome and installation
SESSION 4: 10.15-11.00 a.m. Théo BorelL'engagement francophone dans les forces armées sionistes et israéliennes depuis 1945 : histoire d'une infrastructure migratoire".
Discussion: Aurélia Dusserre
SESSION 5: 11.15-12.00 Rémi CarcélèsLa kurdicité, tentative de définition d'une identité ethnique sans frontières".
Discussion: Vincent Geisser
Lunch break: 12.00-14.00
SESSION 6: 12.15-12.45pm Joséphine Parenthou Eléments de réflexion sur le concept de retournement du stigmate chez les "artistes syriens en exil" (Elements of reflection on the concept of the reversal of stigma among "Syrian artists in exile")
Discussion: Audrey Freyermuth
SESSION 7: 13:00-13:45 (room A154, MMSH) Claire DupuyCSI on a chapter of his thesis
Discussion: Aude Signoles and Christophe Traïni
14:00-16:00 : GENERAL SEMINAR Guest Jean-Louis Fabianiaround the book Clint Eastwood
Images and social sciences Discussion: Sylvia Girel and Anton Olive-Alvarez
"French media aid diplomacy. History and structure of a foreign policy instrument".
Doctoral workshop, Wednesday 8 December 20213pm-4.30pm, EPS
Simon Mangon presents a chapter from his thesis
Discussed by Audrey Freyermuth
Summary: This chapter contributes to research on the making of public diplomacy and development aid, taking the case of French policy on support for foreign media. After presenting the international field of media aid and several case studies of European organisations, I identify the specificities of the French space.
I begin by analysing the history and structure of French aid to the media, from its beginnings under the colonial Empire to its formalisation through an agency (CFI) at the beginning of the 21st century. This historical review outlines the features of a centralised policy linked to French diplomacy. However, while the media is considered a strategic tool for exerting influence outside national borders, it remains marginal within the French diplomatic apparatus. Media aid policy operates within a relatively vague and flexible framework in which intermediaries play a crucial role. Finally, the recent process of agencification of French external action has helped to create a situation of virtual monopoly in the sector. The predominant position taken by this MEAE agency has resulted in the marginalisation of other French structures (NGOs, journalism schools), which cultivate different visions of media aid.
Keywords : Diplomacy - Aid - Media - State