Article by Jessy Bailly: "Reform nebula and the institutionalisation of democratic criticism in the EU".


Jessy BaillyReform Nebula and the Institutionalisation of Democratic Criticism in the EU", Government and public actionVol. 13(4), 2024, pp.105-128.


This article examines the emergence of a nebulous group of reformers who are helping to update the critique of the democratic inadequacy of the European Union, and who are equipped with resources and know-how relating to the organisation of mechanisms for citizen deliberation. By analysing the evolution of this nebula from the point of view of reforming actors, we show that their activities, which convey a critical message, are dependent on certain institutional segments which, by wishing to develop the activities of the nebula, at the same time as the community offer of citizen deliberation, aspire to develop their prerogatives in the field of European power. Beyond the case study, the article contributes to work on the reception, institutionalisation and encouragement of criticism by institutions. In this respect, criticism remains a useful political resource for certain institutional actors, enabling them to re-legitimise themselves in the face of other segments of the population.

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