Nicolas Badalassi - Appearance on Europe 1's "Au Coeur de l'Histoire" programme: "The Yalta Conference


Intervention by Nicolas Badalassi in the programme "Au Cœur de l'Histoire" hosted by Stéphane Bern on Europe 1 (episode of Tuesday 4 February).


Stéphane Bern takes us to Crimea, on the shores of the Black Sea, to relive the Yalta conference that brought together, 80 years ago to the day, at Stalin's request, the American and British leaders, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, to imagine the post-war world. A war that was not yet over...

What decisions were taken at this conference? Can we consider, as General de Gaulle said, that it set the scene for the Cold War? How did it enable progress to be made on the future United Nations Organisation?

To talk about this, Stéphane Bern welcomes Nicolas Badalassi, university professor of contemporary history and author of "Reconstruire l'Europe 45 ans après Yalta : La Charte de Paris" (Editions du Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques).

Au Coeur de l'Histoire is produced by Loic Vimard. Editor-in-chief: Benjamin Delsol. Story writer: Sandrine Brugot. Journalist: Clara Leger.