Book chapter contribution, Christophe Traïni: "Mobilisations, résistances, et participation" (Les sociétés face aux défis climatiques)


TRAÏNI, ChristopheMobilisations, résistances, et participation". In Companies facing climate challengesSandrine Maljean-Dubois, Agnès Deboulet, Stéphanie Vermeersch (dir.), CNRS Éditions, Paris, 2024. 

Book summary:

The reality of climate change is an established fact: the 'hard' sciences have been working for several years to account for it. Because the human and social sciences are so rich and diverse in their work on this phenomenon, it may seem difficult to get an overall picture. Yet this research is essential if we are to better understand, combat and adapt to climate change.

Bringing together lawyers, economists, anthropologists, archaeologists, geographers, historians, philosophers, political scientists, sociologists and specialists in literature and the arts, this book offers the reader an overview of their work. It focuses on a number of major themes: decarbonisation of society, just transition, impacts on everyday life, mobilisation and legal action, climate scepticism, public health, etc.

What characterises contemporary climate change in the Anthropocene era is the role played by human beings in society, their modes of production and their lifestyles.

There is therefore scope for action to counter the destabilising effects of climate change.

The latter requires societies to invent the conditions for a shared future on our planet Earth in a fair and mutually supportive way, based on scientific knowledge.

Link to the book

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