Become an associate member of MESOPOLHIS
Why be a research associate at Mesopolhis?
Being a researcher associated with MESOPOLHIS does not entitle you to any status legally recognised by Aix Marseille University and does not systematically entitle you to funding from the laboratory (see the positions eligible for financial support and prioritisation criteriafor funding applications).
Being a researcher associate testifies to the cooperative relationship that exists between MESOPOLHIS and you, allows you to benefit from the dissemination of information internal to the laboratory and authorises you to use the status of researcher associate of MESOPOLHIS in your work, communications or publications.
How can I become a Mesopolhis associate researcher?
Case 1
Your status within MESOPOLHIS changes because you have just defended your thesis, finished the contract for which you were recruited or because, after having been a full member of MESOPOLHIS, you are transferred to another laboratory, or if you become emeritus.
In this case, a simple e-mail specifying that you wish to remain associated with MESOPOLHIS, addressed to That's enough.
Case 2
If you do not fit into case 1 and wish to become a Mesopolhis associate researcher, you must :
- Hold a doctorate in the social sciences
- Proof of current scientific activity within the scope of the research areas the laboratory
- Send a file containing the documents listed below to
Your application will be examined by the members of the Laboratory Council on the basis of this file. If your application is accepted, you will receive an e-mail confirming this.
Associate researcher status is awarded for a period of two years, at the end of which you must apply to renew your association.
What are your obligations as a research associate?
When you become a research associate at MESOPOLHIS, you undertake to :
- Participate in laboratory activities as much as possible
- Within 2 months, create your personal page on the laboratory's website and keep it up to date (contact
- Sign your publications and communications in accordance with the Signature charter for Aix-Marseille University publications
- At the end of the two-year association period, you will need to apply to renew your association if you continue to be involved in MESOPOLHIS activities.
Please send your complete application to the Research Administration and Funding Department for all association requests.