ALDRIN Philippe



- Head of the "Political Science" section of the Sciences Po Aix National Master's Diploma (since 2016)
- Co-responsible for the Master's degree in "International Political Communication and Democratic Risks (CORIS)" (with Magali Nonjon) - Tri-national Master's degree Sciences Po Aix - UC Louvain (Belgium) - Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) (since 2021)
- Co-responsible for the "European Politics" Masters (with Audrey Freyermuth) (since 2013)
- Founder and director of the "Questions transnationales" collection at Éditions Karthala (with Aude Signoles) (since 2013)


- Since 2024, Elected member of the Laboratory Council
- Since 2021, Head of the "Images and Social Sciences" cross-disciplinary theme (with Pierre Fournier)


- Member of the Steering Committee of GIS CNRS Euro-lab (since 2022)
- Member of the scientific committee for publications at the Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (since 2024)
- Member of the Strategic Committee of the Observatoire des atteintes aux libertés académiques (OALA) / French Political Science Association and French Sociology Association (since 2023)
- Scientific leader of the "Images du politique, Politiques de l'image (IPPI)" research group of the French Political Science Association (with J. O'Miel) (2023-2025)

Academic work


- Éric Agrikoliansky, Catherine Achin, Philippe Aldrin, Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Kevin Geay (eds.), Social order, electoral disorder. A sociology of the 2017 voteLille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Collection "L'espace politique", 2023.
- Philippe Aldrin, Pierre Fournier, Vincent Geisser, Yves Mirman (dir.) Investigation in danger. Towards a new surveillance regime in the social sciencesParis, Armand Colin, Collection "Sociologia", 2022.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nathalie Ferré (eds.), Civil society at work. The unresolved professionalism of transnational actionAix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, Collection "Droits, Pouvoirs, Sociétés", 2022.
- Éric Agrikoliansky, Philippe Aldrin, Sandrine Lévêque (eds.), Voting in times of crisis. Portraits of votersParis, Presses Universitaires de France, 2021.
- Éric Agrikoliansky, Philippe Aldrin (eds.), Getting to grips with politics. Novices, amateurs and intermittents in politics, File of Politix - Review of the social sciences of politics, # 128 (4), 2019.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, Introduction to political communicationBrussels, De Boeck International, Collection "Ouvertures politiques", 2022 [1era 2017 edition].
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé (eds.), The participatory stateMagazine feature Government and public action, # 5 (2), 2016.
- Philippe Aldrin, Lucie Bargel, Nicolas Bué, Christine Pina (dir.), The politics of alternation. A sociology of political changeVulaines-sur-Seine, Le Croquant, Collection "Sociopo", 2016.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, Caroline Ollivier-Yaniv, Jean-Michel Utard (dir.), The mediations of political Europe, Strasbourg, Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, Collection "Sociologie politique européenne", 2014.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, Caroline Ollivier-Yaniv, Jean-Michel Utard (dir.), The worlds of public communication. Legitimisation and the symbolic manufacture of public actionRennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, Collection "Res Publica", 2014.
- Philippe Aldrin, Dorota Dakowska (eds.), Promoting Europe in action. An analysis of small entrepreneurs in the European causeMagazine feature European policy, # 34, 2011.
- Philippe Aldrin, The political sociology of rumoursParis, Presses universitaires de France, Collection "Sociologie d'aujourd'hui", 2005.

& CHAPTERS (selection)

- Philippe Aldrin, "Ce que le populisme fait à l'Union européenne. Remarques sur l'institutionnalisation paradoxale de la critique anti-UE dans l'UE", in Aurélie Duffy, Nicoletta Perlo (eds.), The influence of populism on constitutional changeAix-en-Provence, DICE/Confluences des droits, 2024, p. 11-32.
- Éric Agrikoliansky, Catherine Achin, Philippe Aldrin, Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Kevin Geay, in Éric Agrikoliansky, Catherine Achin, Philippe Aldrin, Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Kevin Geay (eds.), Social order, electoral disorder. A sociology of the 2017 voteLille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Collection "L'espace politique", 2023:
- " Introduction. A sociology of the vote from the point of view of voters", p. 9-21. Chapter 1. Contextualising electoral provisions: theoretical issues and methodological questions", p. 23-66 - "Contextualising electoral provisions: theoretical issues and methodological questions", p. 23-66. Conclusion. Contexts and habitus. Some proposals for the social sciences of voting", p. 333-349.
- Catherine Achin, Philippe Aldrin, Martin Baloge, "Le travail du vote. La socialisation politique au et par le travail chez les moyens et petits-moyens", in Éric Agrikoliansky, Catherine Achin, Philippe Aldrin, Lorenzo Barrault-Stella, Kevin Geay (eds.), Social order, electoral disorder. A sociology of voting in 2017Lille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, Collection "L'espace politique", 2023, p. 181-227.
- Philippe Aldrin, Pierre Fournier, Vincent Geisser, Yves Mirman, "Chercheur de terrain : une profession à l'autonomie menacée", introduction to the book Investigation in danger. Towards a new surveillance regime in the social sciencesParis, Armand Colin, 2022, p. 23-52.
- Philippe Aldrin, Anne-Sophie Petitfils, "Les manifestations discrètes de la domestication partisane. Regards croisés sur deux enquêtes en immersion au PS et à l'UMP", in Philippe Aldrin et al. (dir.) L'enquête en danger. Towards a new surveillance regime for social science researchers, Paris, Armand Colin, 2022, p. 145-169.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nathalie Ferré, "La résistible professionnalisation du tiers secteur de l'action publique transnationale", in Philippe Aldrin, Nathalie Ferré (eds.), Civil society at work. The unresolved professionalism of transnational actionAix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, Collection "Droits, Pouvoirs, Sociétés", 2022, p. 13-31.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, "Trois bureaucraties pour une politique. Porte-parolat et mise en représentation de " l'Europe " dans ses années de fondation (1952-1967), in Nicolas Kaciaf and Cédric Passard (eds.), Speaking out. Modalities, constraints and metamorphoses of a political roleLille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2022.
- Philippe Aldrin, "Des petits actionnaires du système. Telling your condition as a voter in the middle and lower middle of social space", Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, # 232-233 ("Electoral Affinities" dossier), 2020, pp. 50-69.
- Éric Agrikoliansky, Philippe Aldrin, "Faire avec la politique. Political novices: learning and the practical meaning of politics", Politix - Review of the social sciences of politics, # 128(4) (Dossier "Faire avec la politique"), 2019, p. 9-29.
- Philippe Aldrin, Marie Vannetzel, "Dans les lisières. A sociology of secondary political actors in two small French towns".Politix - Revue des sciences sociales du politique, # 128(4) (Dossier "Faire avec la politique"), 2019, p. 31-63.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, "From Democracy by Proxy to Stakeholder Democracy. The Changing Faces of an EU Founding Value", in François Foret and Oriane Calligaro (eds), European Values Challenges and Opportunities for EU GovernanceLondon, Routledge (Studies on Government and the European Union series), 2018, pp. 137-156.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, "The European Union, a democracy of stakeholders. From participationist laboratories to democratic experimentation", Government and public action, # 5(2) (Dossier "The participatory state"), 2016, p. 125-152.
- Philippe Aldrin, Nicolas Hubé, "L'État participatif. Le participationnisme saisi par la pensée d'État", Government and public action, # 5(2) (Dossier "The participatory State"), 2016, p. 9-29.
- Philippe Aldrin, Lucie Bargel, Nicolas Bué, Christine Pina "Introduction. A political sociology for the alternation of power", in Philippe Aldrin, Lucie Bargel, Nicolas Bué, Christine Pina (dir.), The politics of change. A sociology of political changeVulaines-sur-Seine, Croquant, 2016, p. 15-61.
- Philippe Aldrin, Marine de Lassalle, "Ce que faire parler de politique veut dire. Remarques méthodologiques sur la relation d'entretien et le parler politique dans une enquête sur le rapport ordinaire à l'Europe", in François Buton, Patrick Lehingue, Nicolas Mariot and Sabine Rozier (eds.), Ordinary politics. Investigations into ordinary relationships with politicsLille, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2016, p. 299-321.
- Philippe Aldrin, "Le problème de la représentation des groupes sociaux" (Introduction to part 3: "La mise en forme des intérêts et des groupes sociaux"), in Alice Mazeaud (ed.), Political representation in practiceRennes, PUR, 2014, p. 205-212.

Areas of research

- European politics - Sociohistory of the EU's communication apparatus; opinion polls; institutional participationism (civil society, lobbying)
- Government sciences Knowledge-power relations; Division and professionalisation of media- and public-oriented political work
- Political communication Professions and instruments of political legitimisation; Electoral campaigns; Media/political relations
- Political participation and opinion Relationships with voting and politics; Representations of politics; Secular beliefs and rumours in politics
- Visual political sociologyResearch and research training with/by/on the political image

Doctoral supervision

Theses defended

Marie-Ange GRÉGORY (2009-2014) - MESR grant
The departmentalist cause. Genesis and reinventions of a French political controversy (defended on 8 December 2014). She is currently a project officer at the Nice Côte d'Azur Metropolitan Authority.
Isil TURKAN (2010-2015)
The profession of political columnist in Turkey. Sociology of a professional activity between generational dynamics and political reversals (defended on 19 January 2015). She is currently a professor at Yeditepe University, Turkey.
Layla BAAMARA (2014-2017) - MESR grant
Institutionalised protest. Producing and sustaining partisan opposition in an authoritarian context. The case of the Front des forces socialistes in Algeria (defended on 9 June 2017). She is currently a researcher at the IRD.
Stefan WAIZER (2012-2018) - MESR grant
The making of European nuclear non-proliferation policy towards Iran
Un champ avant-gardiste de la PESC (co-tutelle François FORET, UL Brussels) - (defended on 10 December 2018). Today Diplomat, Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Yolaine GASSIER (2015-2020) - Allocation Région PACA
Les arènes discrètes du paritarisme régional. Dispositifs, acteurs et pratiques du " dialogue social territoriale " (co-direction Éric VERDIER, LEST) (defended on 25 November 2020). Thesis awarded 2 prizes: Prix de thèse Aix-Marseille Université / Prix de thèse de la Ville de Marseille 2021.
Elen LE CHÊNE (2013-2021) - MESR grant
The 'discharge' of the Turkish state in the reception of foreigners. Reinvention of guardianship and production of the migration problem (co-supervision with Aude SIGNOLES) (defended on 10 May 2021). She is currently a lecturer at the University of Paris 8.
Élise HO PUN CHEUNG (2017-2021) - Allocation Région PACA
Entrepreneurs of a new urban modernity. The "connected city", connecting knowledge and metropolitan territories (France-China comparison) (co-directed by Magali NONJON) (defended on 6 December 2021). City of Marseille Dissertation Prize 2022. Currently a researcher-consultant at Datactivist.
Nathalie FERRÉ (2014-2021) - Allocation Région PACA
The invention of "Euro-Mediterranean civil society". Actors, strategies and representations of a transcontinental third sector (co-directed by Mohamed TOZY) (defended on 15 December 2021). Prix de thèse de la Ville de Marseille 2022 / Prix de thèse de la MMSH 2022. Currently on postdoctoral contract.
Jessy BAILLY (2018-2022) - MESR grant
Les citoyens-contrôleurs de la dette publique (en France, en Espagne et en Belgique, années 2010) (co-tutelle ULB, co-promomoteur François FORET). (defended on 13 June 2022). Currently Senior Lecturer at IC Paris.
Fatima KHEMILAT (2013-2022) - Allocation Région PACA
Quand l'islam de France" entre en scène Entre permanence et résistibilité́ de la représentation des musulmans en France des années 80 à nos jours (defended on 12 December 2022).
Sarah SAJN (2014-2022) - MESR grant
Sarajevo, heart of Europe'? Fabrique, performance et ambivalence de l'européanité en Bosnie-Herzégovine (defended on 15 December 2022).
Romain DAMIEN (2015-2023) - MESR grant
Representing the Palestinian cause internationally (1964-2018). De la prétention à représenter à la professionnalisation des diplomates palestiniens (co-direction Aude SIGNOLES) (defended on 5 January 2023).

Theses in progress

Inès KALAÏ (since 2019) - Allocation UC Louvain
La fabrique de la communication en campagne électorale. Une étude ethnographique des pratiques de communication du PS à Bruxelles (co-tutelle UC Louvain, co-director Sandrine ROGINSKY).
Alice BAUDY (since 2019) - Allocation Région PACA
Recompositions of identity among descendants of Harkis (co-directed by Aude SIGNOLES).
Andrea GALLINAL ARIAS (from 2021) - MESR grant
The effects of migratory crises in host societies: for a multisectoral analysis of politics. The Canary Islands as a privileged observatory (co-directed by Aude SIGNOLES)
Pierre ARÈNE (since 2022) - CIFRE funding
The institutionalisation of the deliberative imperative within the French State. A comparative analysis of three state participationist structures: the Conseil Économique Social et Environnementale, the Commission Nationale du Débat Public and the Centre Interministériel de la Participation Citoyenne.
Paul CERDAN (since 2023) - CIFRE funding
The renovation of Marseille's schools: a new benchmark for local public action (co-directed by Magali NONJON)
Léa NIVOIX (since 2023) - MESR grant
Inhabiting the border, recomposing the borderscape. The role of Mediterranean rescue NGOs in European migration policy