Benoît Pouget, direction d’un numéro de revue : « War casualties and the production of knowledge »

Benoît Pouget (dir.). « War casualties and the production of knowledge », Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal, University Press Manchester, 2025 [Online publication date: 20 Dec 2024].
Human Remains and Violence: An Interdisciplinary Journal is a biannual, peer-reviewed publication which draws together the different strands of academic research on the dead body and the production of human remains en masse, whether in the context of mass violence, genocidal occurrences or environmental disasters. Inherently interdisciplinary, the journal publishes papers from a range of academic disciplines within the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Human Remains and Violence invites contributions from scholars working in a variety of fields and interdisciplinary research is especially welcome
Table des matières :
Special issue introduction: war casualties and the production of knowledge
Authors: Benoît Pouget and Taline Garibian
Page Range: 1–4
Autopsies of gas warfare: intoxicated corpses of the First World War
Author: Taline Garibian
Page Range: 5–20
Human cadaver blood transfusion: perspectives on its utility in conflict zones
Author: Roderick Bailey
Page Range: 21–43
Medicalising dead bodies: the First Indochina War (1946–54)
Author: Benoît Pouget
Page Range: 44–57
Accounting for war burials in the German Democratic Republic: the politics of knowledge production in the aftermath of mass death
Author: Laura Tradii
Page Range: 58–74