Aix-Marseille University's institute located at the Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'Homme in Aix-en Provence.
A training and research centre, SoMuM brings together 11 research units involving anthropologists, demographers, economists, geographers, historians, art historians, lawyers, philosophers, philologists, political scientists and sociologists.
The Institut Méditerranée pour la Transition Environnementale (ITEM) is made up of 14 laboratories covering the physical, natural, human, health, legal and social sciences.
The Institute is rising to the challenge of adapting our society to environmental change.
With its Mediterranean roots, the institute aims to develop interdisciplinary systems research to understand the effects of global change on society and natural resources.
Institut d'établissement d'Aix-Marseille Université located on the Saint-Jérôme campus in Marseille.
As part of an interdisciplinary approach, including societal concerns, the institute stimulates training and research in the fields of fusion science, nuclear instrumentation and the mechanical characterisation of materials and structures for fission and fusion.
IRTS PACA / Corse is a major player in social work training.
Our partnership is illustrated by a range of actions, including joint applications to calls for projects, the development of joint research and study programmes, joint participation in and organisation of colloquia and conferences, the promotion of research carried out by members of our laboratory, and the participation of Mesopolhis in the activities of IRTS.
The Structure fédérative d'études et de recherche en éducation de Provence brings together 23 research units
Through this partnership, our laboratory is strengthening its involvement in the teaching, education and training sectors. SFERE is a working and research community in the following areas: changes in socio-educational professions and practices; ways of constructing, appropriating and disseminating knowledge; new tools, new audiences and educational systems; methodologies and statistics for educational research. This structure organises synergies between the various laboratories that make up the group, enabling the pooled use of intellectual and material resources with the aim of improving the regional, national and international visibility of research work. In this way, SFERE acts as a support force to encourage the success of inter-laboratory scientific projects (scientific watch, support in setting up projects, relationship management with external partners, etc.).
The Institut méditerranéen de formation et recherche en travail social develops training courses in the social and medico-social sector.
These include research, partnerships in France and abroad, support and advice for social and medico-social establishments, participation in conferences, public debate and regional policies.
Demomed - Mediterranean Demographic Observatory
Specific programme of the UAR 3125 MMSH and supported by MESOPOLHIS (UMR 7064), the DemoMed Mediterranean demographic observatory is made up of teacher-researchers and researchers who are developing research on population issues in the Mediterranean. At the same time international and multidisciplinary (demography, geography, sociology, statistics), the team is committed to simultaneously taking into account the spatial and temporal dimensions in demographic analyses. This approach offers a new perspective on the interpretation of demographic indicators by revealing the unique spatial organisation of social phenomena.
Since 2010, this project has relied on a multidisciplinary network of institutions and individuals capable of pooling their expertise to draw up diagnoses, carry out analyses and disseminate them widely. In addition to its scientific output, the Observatoire démographique de la Méditerranée aims to share knowledge and data with a wider audience than just academics. The internet portal and database are innovative tools for researchers and civil society players who want to find out more about Mediterranean populations. The observatory pays particular attention to training in and through research. This is why DemoMed welcomes students from undergraduate level, offering tutoring for internships and supervision of research projects and dissertations. The team also supports young researchers (masters and doctoral students) by involving them in the team's research activities (publications, conferences, contracts, etc.) and promoting their work.
The Observatory works with local and regional authorities on specific projects involving local demography (analysis of mobility, demographic forecasts, etc.). The methodological questioning and innovation are at the heart of the Observatory's approach. On the one hand, this means developing specific digital interfaces for sharing data and knowledge (in partnership with computer scientists, for example). It also involves advances in fundamental research into research tools and methods (e.g. mathematical problems with statisticians). This work is accompanied by a particular focus on the use of digital humanities in demography and geography.
The DemoMed platform works closely with the PUD-AMU, Aix-Marseille University data platform (Device for TGIR PROGEDO).
This programme focuses on the following areas of research:
Theme 1. Sources and methods - Isabelle Blöss-Widmer, Laurence Reboul, Sebastien Oliveau
Area 2. Population dynamics - Sébastien Oliveau, Yoann Doignon, Dienaba Ndour
Area 3. Population structure - Yoann Doignon, Isabelle Blöss-Widmer, Sébastien Oliveau, Dienaba Ndour
Area 4. Mobility and migration - Elena Ambrosetti, Frédéric Audard, Lionel Kieffer
Area 5. Family demography - Yoann Doignon, Elise Lévêque
Area 6. Demographic forecasting - Isabelle Blöss-Widmer, Sébastien Oliveau, Yoann Doignon, Elena Ambrosetti