MEthodes créaTIves dans la recherche en Sciences humaines et SocialeS (METISS) seminar, session 2: sounds, images and texts in surveys

27mar9 h 30 min12 h 00 minMEthodes créaTIves dans la recherche en Sciences humaines et SocialeS (METISS) seminar, session 2: sounds, images and texts in surveys


For its first year, 2025-2026, the METISS, "MEthodes créaTIves dans la recherche en Sciences humaines et Sociales", is launching a series of meetings devoted to these approaches. The seminar is supported by three units MESOPOLHIS (CNRS, Aix-Marseille-UniversitéSciences Po Aix), IREMAM (CNRS, Aix-Marseille-Université) and URMIS (CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur, Université Paris Cité, IRD). The aim of the seminar is to provide a monthly meeting place for researchers, doctoral and post-doctoral students, students and research support engineers.

The sessions, lasting around 3 hours, are scheduled to take place between February and December 2025. Some of them will be combined with workshops (April 2025 and the start of the 2025-2026 academic year) and will be reserved for PhD and Masters students as a priority.

The format is hybrid (face-to-face/videoconference). Registration is free but compulsory. To register and obtain the video link, please contact : Anne Tricot ( and/or Sylvie Chiousse (

Thursday 27 March 2025 | 9h30-12h | MMSH (salle Duby)

" Sound, images and text in the survey "

  • Constance de Gourcy, Maria-Elena Buslacchi, Eleni DemetriouMESOPOLHIS (CNRS, Aix-Marseille University, Sciences Po Aix) and Saïd BelguidoumIREMAM (CNRS, Aix-Marseille University): "D'une rive à l'autre, les fils ténus de la mémoire" (From one shore to the other, the tenuous threads of memory), presentation of the CARGO project. In contrast to the media representations of migrants, which draw on images of flows and make them invisible, we are reconstructing sensitive portraits of the crossing, in order to understand the imaginations behind them and, more broadly, to shed light on contemporary memory dynamics in the light of those of the past. The project also questions the relationship between the artistic and academic approaches, based on a cross-analysis of the materials collected around the temporalities of the crossing and the production of a visual and sound work.
  • Camilo León-QuijanoCresson laboratory, AAU Grenoble (CNRS, ENS Architecture Grenoble, Nantes and Ecole Centrale Nantes): "Multimodal dialogue between images, sound and text in surveys Starting from a reflection on the photographic experience within ethnographic research, the researcher questions the sensitive dialogues between photographs, sounds and texts.

Don't miss a single session:

Find out more about the annual "MEthodes créaTIves dans la recherche en Sciences humaines et Sociales" (METISS) seminar:

Since the 2000s, there has been an explosion of work on creative research methods. In dialogue with the sciences, society and the arts, they are at the crossroads of social and human sciences disciplines (anthropology, sociology, geography, etc.) and are renewing the methods used to gather data and information. Not confined solely to the textual intelligence of the survey, a primary characteristic of these approaches is the use of a form of experimentation, a "methodological bricolage" that mobilises different media (drawings, photos, sound montages, games, maps, etc.). Designed and produced to suit the research, they act as "intermediary object(s)" in the researcher-participant interaction. These include (but are not limited to) visual methods (photo elicitation, participatory and/or mental mapping, commentary trails with photographs), immersive sound surveys, writing-based methods (writing workshops, notebooks), etc.

A second characteristic of these approaches is that they mobilise sensitive experience in the investigation, which refers in part to vulnerability and the experience of situations of violence, social and/or environmental disaster, or even domination. It also refers to our perceptive capacities, i.e. our senses and our representations. Making room for the sensitive means taking seriously the subjectivity of people, whose knowledge and skills are no less rational and objectifiable. In the final analysis, we are shifting the researcher's position towards the co-production of knowledge.

The presentations will look at what goes on behind the scenes in research, i.e. how methods are developed and their relevance to the research process.

Organising Committee :

  • Anne Tricot, Sylvie Chiousse, Constance De Gourcy MESOPOLHIS (CNRS, Aix-Marseille-Université, SciencesPo Aix)
  • Saïd Belguidoum IREMAM (CNRS, Aix-Marseille-Université) 
  • Francesca Sirna URMIS Nice (CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur, Université Paris Cité, IRD).

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27 mars 2025 9 h 30 min - 12 h 00 min(GMT+01:00)



5 Rue Château de l'Horloge, 13090 Aix-en-Provence

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